It sounds to me that you want to make a widget that talks to a database.
Look at
this post and it might help you.
As far as web services go, PHP makes using Web Services quite simple to use. If you have access to a WSDL file then writing a SOAP client is very simple.
Here is the code for a simple, working SOAP client from my own website. In this particular example, you can specify a season (2000-2010), a week (1-17), and a code for a team ('GB' for Green Bay, 'ATL' for Atlanta, etc) and it will tell you the score of the game:
$oSoapClient = new SoapClient("");
$szGid = $oSoapClient->getGameId(2010,7,"ATL");
$aoGameProperties = $oSoapClient->getGame($szGid);
$szVis = $aoGameProperties['vis'];
$szHome = $aoGameProperties['home'];
$iVScore = $aoGameProperties['vscore'];
$iHScore = $aoGameProperties['hscore'];
echo "The score was $szVis $iVScore - $szHome $iHScore.\n\n";
You can copy the code above into a file called SoapClient.php and then run it from the command line and the output would look like this:
# php SoapClient.php
The score was CIN 32 - ATL 39.
Again, I can't say that I understand completely what you are trying to achieve but I guarantee that you can do it in PHP and integrate it into VBulletin and that's coming from a Java guy.
I have made a lot of widgets that contain forms so I know it can be done.
Good luck,