Is it possible to change how often the image is randomized? I've noticed that the same image is loaded for approximately two to three minutes before another random image is loaded.
Edit: I had to remove this widget from our page. It seems after a short period of time it has developed a random database error. We were unable to save articles due to this error. If anyone could point out why it's happening I'd be most appreciative.
HTML Code:
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.1:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT alb.albumid, att.attachmentid, att.userid, att.caption, att.dateline, att.state, fdt.filesize, IF(fdt.thumbnail_filesize > 0, 1, 0) AS hasthumbnail, fdt.thumbnail_dateline, fdt.thumbnail_width, fdt.thumbnail_height, u.username
FROM album AS alb
LEFT JOIN attachment AS att ON alb.albumid = att.contentid
LEFT JOIN filedata AS fdt ON att.filedataid = fdt.filedataid
LEFT JOIN user AS u ON att.userid = u.userid
WHERE alb.state = 'public' AND att.contenttypeid = '8' AND alb.albumid IN (2)
ORDER BY rand (16470)
MySQL Error : FUNCTION gunnook_vb4.rand does not exist
Error Number : 1305
Request Date : Tuesday, February 1st 2011 @ 09:57:43 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, February 1st 2011 @ 09:57:44 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username : Admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community