Got a strange one here.... perhaps someone can help please.
Had a call from one of my biggest posters sayng he could not access the forum while at work. Speaking to him got him to add my site to his safesites but still no luck, asked him to try firefox but doesnt have the option to install at work.... so I left it that his server admin must have put a restriction on certain sites.
I then had a couple more phone calls from other users of IE and they had problems acessing the forum part of my site. No problem with the main part of my site just the forum... thought this looked suspicious but cant pin it down.
Then today I installed a brand new machine with Windows XP for a client, to check the internet I thought I would go to my forum at - using IE I got the message that the page cannot be displayed..... same machine then on Firefox and straight onto the site..... NOW I'm WORRIED!!!
My site is - Powered by vBulletin™ Version 4.0.8
Can anyone enlighten me please.