Originally Posted by Travis641
Selfishly? I said my reasons were because the author himself was working on it and I did not want to just come out and make all his work for naught, and if he wants my help with his modification, then I would be happy to oblige.
I also posted other fixes in the thread that people were having trouble with, including a start on how to fix this very own issue yourself, so me being selfish is uncalled for.
You didn't originally state that if the author would like your help that he can ask for it. You just stated that out of respect to the author that you won't release the code. One would have thought that if you got it working you'd contact the author yourself to help him out.
If people think me giving my opinion of someone being selfish is rude... wow you haven't stepped outside lately. if I had a working code i would have already personally contacted the author to offer my assistance because i'm a generous person.