Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
Also the PS3 was (is?) the only BluRay player on the market upgradeable to things like 3D and whatever new tech comes out.
Yes, sir, you are almost right. Since Sony was instrumental in gettting blu-ray accepted over the failed HD format, I would think they would know more about blu-ray than most others, don't you think? One of the last few firmware upgrades took care of the 3D availability for the blu-ray.
Originally Posted by Bubble #5
I'm probably older than you and one of the reasons why I bought the Kinect was precisely so that I could use it to exercise (while not seeming like I'm doing exercise). The last thing I want to do is sit on my butt and rot away. I've played all the gaming systems at one time or another and Kinect immerses you more into the game. To each his own, but I truly feel that Kinect has the edge right now. To prove my point I'm predicting that Wii and PS3 try to copy what Kinect does down the road...
If you had used your real birthdate, then we would see who is older, huh?

Kinect will be a passing fad before you know it. Someone else will bring something out that is even better. Microsoft has yet to impress me with anything they are connected with.
Originally Posted by Bubble #5
It was (past tense). Think about what you said. Do you seriously think that Sony would only make the PS3 upgradable? They make the BluRay player inside the PS3. Panasonics are also upgradable and I'm sure at this point that most major brands will follow suit soon.
Panasonic has yet to make anything that will last past their one year warranty. I got burned out on anything they make a long time ago. Most brands will make the upgrades to 3D sooner or later. 3d will take a while to catch on, I think. They have a lot of bugs to work out of it first.