Originally Posted by Lynne
He said he wanted exactly like the screen shot, so I posted exactly what was in the screenshot. He's gonna need some mod to make it only mod/admin specific.
your the bomb lynne, I'm not aware of any mods in here that will do what they want. thanks , at least they have the
bbcode now anyway, i would suggest that they just dont use the option to show it, then make it a phrase only the mods and admin know what it is like
[snicklefrits]warning blah blah blah[/snicklefrits] then people wont be able to use it , would be secret until someone tells user like below example
Example: [snicklefrits]warning blah blah blah..!!
Description: -Empty-
Use Option: No
Button Image: No
Remove Tag If Empty: Yes
Disable BB Code Within This BB Code: No
Disable Smilies Within This BB Code: No
Disable Word Wrapping Within This BB Code: No