I'm interested in seeing this turn into something wonderful. Community based games such as this are badly needed on our forums.
Way back in the glory days of the BBS, there were "door" games, which allowed for the community to interact with one another. Some of the very best included Tradewars 2002, Legend of the Red Dragon and Barren Realms Elite, to name just a few.
These games kept people coming back. Users would dial in, play their turns on their game of choice, and then jump into discussions in the forums. It really helped the BBS to thrive, and it further developed the sense of community. Users would form guilds in Tradewars, or take on other bulletin boards on Barren Realms. The impact on the community was incredible.
I'm hoping that this game can somehow recapture a piece of that magic. And maybe, just maybe, more like it will follow.
Once I hear that this gaming is running smoothly, I intended to give it a shot. In the meantime, it would be encouraging if there was a place to actually play it, so as to see how it is shaping up. There probably is a demo somewhere that I'm not aware of.