Originally Posted by thetgc
However as a suggestion to be added to the mod, it would be great if there was some sort of question that could be added that has to be answered before the form is filled out, or even after.
For example, the question could have all the tos in it, and at the bottom an "Agree" or "Disagree" button could be there, where if you press agree, it takes you to the form, and if disagree is selected, it takes you back to the previous page or warns you that you must agree to proceed. Also with an option in the settings to note on the answers (on the thread or pm that is created) that the user agreed.
Just a thought...
An easy way to do Terms and Conditions question is to add a Compulsory Checkbox Question but only have the one option of 'Agree'. If nothing is selected the form is not submitted. If 'I agree' is selected then the form will submit.
Then you could put rules as link or list them in the question description.