Originally Posted by Welshy2008
"The following errors occurred when this file was submitted:
You may only upload or link to the following extensions: ..doc .docx .rft ..txt ..wpd ..wps ..pdf ..wks ..xls ..xlsx"
As you can see, the .pdf extension is on there, to be allowed.
You need to add pdf as an extension, not .pdf

Look at the double dots in the list you post. DownloadsII adds the dot itself, so now it's doubled. Only rft seems to be ok in your list.
Originally Posted by Welshy2008
Also, The "Add New File" tab only shows when a user clicks on a sub category and then it is towards the bottom.
On vB3 version it was on the downloads.php page, granted, it was a text link.
I am also lissing the admin links too, IE: Edit, Approve, delete, etc.
Check your (primary) usergroup permissions and be sure you reverted all template modifications after updating DownloadsII.