Originally Posted by SoloX
Not sure if this has been said before but if you are installing this mod, please be careful about copyrights. Inline image links *might* save you a court date but actually downloading and serving these from your server will def. get you in trouble.
google "righthaven lawsuits" and you will know why I am posting this caution.
Normally you would have a TOS where you don't assume any responsibility for pasted images by your users.
As for the copyright, you don't steal images by copying them into your site. Google Images would do a great damage to all the sites they copy images from, in order to show them to everybody, don't you agree? You steal them from the moment you are using them improperly. For this reason I am a bit concerned about importing images from CMS posts, since the authors are usually administrators and thus should not steal images from other sites to make their own site nice and interesting