Introduction/Screening: Ok well starting right off unless you're a good web design you are not eligable in getting the partnership. Basically what I'm looking for is a partner to get a new gaming site up. The gaming site will feature quite a bit. I will list more about it below. The site will get quite a bit of revenue from various sources. If you do decide to become my partner you would recieve 40% of the revenue. The rest goes into the server cost plus my share.
Hosting Issue: Anybody who is interested does
not have to pay anything now or ever. I am paying for a dedicated server from (AMD Package III - Plesk).
Further Gaming Site Info: The site is made in PHP/MySQL by me and about 90% of the coding is complete. All it needs is a layout(s). The site features the following:
- Eady ad management (for sponsors to see exact details of their advertising campaign and from what page, time, etc..
- System wide security/ban system (Admins have the ability to ban IPs from the comfort of one big control panel)
- Control Panel (A 10MB directory in pure text format, highly protected with a great easy to use interface provides easy management/control over the entire site)
- System wide point system (Users can gain points by participating in forums, adding cheats, news, reviews, previews)
- Cheats (Users gain points by adding cheats which are first moderated by a upper class user or a admin)
- Guides (Same as the cheats)
- Reviews/Previews (Same as the cheats)
- Membership system (Signing up for a account at the site gives you more access on the site and membership comes in use on many different locations)
- Points auction/reedoming (Users can spend points on many different things including free hosting)
- Clans (One of the biggest features. It will support around 10 specific games that will have specific functions/formats/storage that that game offers while all other games will have a general where they get their own calendar, scheduler, member list, customizable pages, allies/enemies page, own forum, etc..)
- Serveys/Quizes (Users can take surveys to get poitns based on what they scored. Many different quizes mainly about gaming)
- Screenshots/Content (All content/screenshots are unique rather then stolen from or I have lots of volounteers that have already started writing reviews and taking screenshots)
- User level system (From the admin control panel you can specify for each member how much power they have and give them access to add cheats without moderation or abiltiy to moderate cheats and also ability to use various features in their own different control panel)
- Online Games (Currently made up of around 10 games that they can play and get poitns depending on how well they did but that's not a priority at the moment but there will be more)
- Practical Jokes (Users will be able to play jokes on their friends by sending them "fake surveys")
That list above is just a very simplied version of everything that it offers. If you are interested PM me or E-mail me with work that you have done in the past. You would own half the site as long as you do a minimum requirement per month that we both agree on unless you need to go on a vacation or anything like that.