Originally Posted by TNCclubman
Its a legit question as to why the official mod site is using an old version. Absolutely. We shouldnt be crapping on a noob for asking this question guys. Its like Steve Jobs using an original iPhone and having a press conference telling us all to buy the new iPhone 5 this year. The fact that people are losing it when someone asks this question is very telling though. lol
of course it's a legit question. I don't think anyone is debating that.
But it's a question that has been asked more than several times.

And the OP is not a newb, having been registered since 2008.
Also - I don't think anyone's "loosing it" lol - I personally will not be upgrading my forums to vB 4.x because I think the 4.x series vBulletin is a clunky monstrosity. Anyway...