Originally Posted by JacquiiCooke
Nice looking site. If I can make a suggestion = removed the:
Yes - remove that completely (or maybe relocate it in the bottom righthand corner) and perhaps add some sort of welcome header message with register button? Also you header ad area is made for 728x90px banner - the 468x60px banner makes your header look incomplete.
Anyway -nice job = good luck with the site
Thank you very much mate. I have took away the welcome guess thing and for the banner I didnt wanted to make it look too big but good suggestion.
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Originally Posted by Roms
I've gotta agree here.... At first I thought an advert that wasn't lining up in the style and then I figured out it was floating...And because with the colors it's hard to read...
Also the navigation links being so big makes me feel like I'm reading my first book... a bit to big... 
I have to agreed with you about the Navigation Links and looks better a bit smaller, I didnt try. lol
Thanks for the input mate.
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Anymore suggestions?