Originally Posted by owning_y0u
when i enable this mod it creates a double post effect, so if i post something it will be posted twice ?
currently have it disabled as i'm trying to figure out what the hell happens but hope you can help me
Hmm, can you try disabling all other mods to see if the issue still occurs?
Originally Posted by newmark
1- using 4.1.0; Opcache Operator is Xcache supported with username and password in the config file of vboptimise. XCache Authentification is on.
when I run the system check; Fetch Cache I got the following error
"Your Opcache Operator extension is functioning, however it is unable to store data. Please check your extension configuration."
and also, Flush Cache test does not complete.
2- when the product is active, it's unable to edit templates or even change user nicks. when I try to save smthg a white page comes. after disabling the product some can be able to achive.
For #1, sadly we're unable to assist with how to set up XCache. You can try Memcached instead, it's got a lot less configuration problems and works on pretty much all systems.
#2: What happens if you turn off opcaching? Does it work then?
Originally Posted by Abhik
I am getting three errors.. Please help me to fix the issues. - "AJAX Failure" while running "System Test" (Firebug Message: /admincp/vboptimise.php 500 Internal Server Error 259 msconnection-min.js (line 7))
- "Flush Cache" page goes blank
- Other vBulletin Settings (Like editing a member) gives a white blank page and the setting doesn't get saved.
I am using xCache with no admin authentication.
XCache v1.3.0, PHP v5.3.3, MySQL 5.0.91
#1: Sounds like something's wrong with your server or file permissions, as it's not an error someone has reported before.
#2 and #3 are probably related.
Are you running suhosin?