Originally Posted by JimboSlice
I cant figure out how the shipping works. I have multiple products and some cost WAY more to ship than others to ship. Also, if I only list 1 item for sale, can I get rid of the drop down menu that shows 1-10?
Standard shipping for most items on my site is between 3.99-6.99. I sale a few items that are $50-$75 per item, to ship. I need to know how to do this so my customer doesnt pay $6.99 for an item that costs me $70
If you use the stock level this will stop them from being able to buy more than the amount you have put in the stock level for that product.
Lets say i have product 1 and i have 3 to sell but when a member gets to the checkout they see they have the oprion to add upto 10.
So they choose 5 but the stockleve will only let them buy the 3 as thats all there is in stock.
Hope this helps you understand how the stocklevel works.
As for the shipping costs the best way would be to do something like this.
delivery Locations say we put
Then in the options you have sub level and add
UK North enter in the info you want.
UK South enter in the info you want.
Then when a user goes to the checkout they choose where they are and you get the shipping costs added to the products.
so if the shipping was setup something like this
Zone Name | B-Weight | B-Fare | E-Weight | E-Fare
UK SOUTH 2 4.00 3 8.00
Shipping will =
$12.00 if the product weight is 5