Originally posted by dlst
I'm working on a solution to this, which will be posted when it's done. Here's how it works:
A Javascript function (very simple, small one) gets the available width of the browser window (taking into account page resolution, screen size, etc. automatically).
It then subtracts the number of pixels you need for other page sections (like a navigation bar on the side ~200pixels, table padding ~15 pixels, whatever).
It then has actual maximum width in pixels an image can be without "breaking" the page and forcing the veiwer to scroll forever to the right...
Finally it simply overrides whatever image width and height properties it finds and resizes all the images on the page.
I'm not exactly sure if this will all work, but I've got the javascript working, but not yet sure how to integrate it into the pages themselves... any ideas?
If I understand what you are saying it sounds like a great idea. Sounds like a hack I have installed that I have asked the hacker to make better, but they wont.

I have one suggestion, on the images that the hack/script is resizing, please please PLEASE make it so that the images are a hyperlink to the full version. This way people that want to see the full version of whatever image was posted (background and whatnot) can click the image and they can see the full version.
Let me know when you release this hack with a PM please. :up: