I hate to say it, but that didn't work either Hippy. I deleted and uploaded your file, Nor did the color change. Its not a huge deal though, it looks close enough, I just wanted the categories to be more distinct, as they are hard to see if your not really looking for them.
There is one more thing, if the members dont tick the remember me box, it will not save the score. Not sure what thats all about.
And can you maybe help me with my postbit? Take a look at this if you could.
Its on top of my other field. Is there a way to move it elsewhere? Thanks again Hippy. Sorry to be such a pain in the crotch!
I tried your workaround in the header template, but your code isn't the same on 4.1.1
Here is the line and what it looks like on 4.1.1
Can I still just replace it with your workaround code?
<input type="checkbox" name="cookieuser" value="1" id="cb_cookieuser_navbar" class="cb_cookieuser_navbar" accesskey="c" tabindex="103" />