Website Name: - Trust Starts Here
Purpose: Provide a solid community for (online)gaming discussion, as well as a market for users to buy, sell and trade virtual and tangible goods.
Spyike.Org Forums
Description: is a user friendly board designed to provide users with the latest information and discussion on a variety of online games. These include, but are not limited to: RuneScape, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty , Habbo, AION, and other Steam games. There is a friendly market which users can easily buy, sell and trade virtual or tangible goods among the user base. Also included is a section designed to discuss real life, and off topic things. An arcade is implemented to keep users busy, as well as many unique modifications noted below.
Reason for Nomination:
Unique Modifications
RuneScape GE Update: Alerts users of Grand Exchange updates. (The Grand Exchange is an auction type "store" on that enables users to buy and sell items from the game among users)
RuneScape GE Marquee: Displays the highest percentage increase/decrease in items from below the navbar. This informs users of items which are currently rising/dropping/being manipulated by clans. This is an extremely useful tool for users on the board whom play RuneScape.
Feedback System: Allows users to rate or leave feedback for users whom they conducted trade(s) with. Feedback is only displayed in forums relating to the market. Helps ensure safety when trading.
Custom Style: Sleek, custom design which is easily navigatable and relates to topics on the forum. Also displays the current server load to users (accurate)
Video Sharing: Users have the ability to share YouTube (and other) Videos via URL which user's can comment, rate and bookmark.
Arcade: For members who want a little "fun" while browsing the board.