Originally Posted by redtailboas
Future mod request. Allow option to "prevent" posting in a thread that meets the criteria. Sort of like a "virtual thread closed" feature.
This mod auto closes old threads and has been reported working on VB 4.0.x.
Originally Posted by Dr.osamA
sorry sir i uplod it ferst but you did upgrade to v 1.1
i reuplouded it now
plzz how we can add the massege above qwik reply box ???
I will make an update to version 1.2 but for now you can go to Admin CP -> Plugin Manager and edit the
Old Thread Notice Template plugin.
Replace it all with: [edited January 24, 2011 with fixed code]
PHP Code:
if ($vbulletin->options['bop5oldt_en'])
$templater = vB_Template::create('showthread_oldthreadnotice');
$templater->register('showoldfp', $showoldfp);
$templater->register('showoldlp', $showoldlp);
$templater->register('bop5daysold', $bop5daysold);
$template_hook[showthread_above_posts] .= $templater->render();
$templatevalues['showthread_oldthreadnotice'] = $templater->render();
vB_Template::preRegister('SHOWTHREAD', $templatevalues);
Click SAVE.
Now edit your
SHOWTHREAD template... put the following line:
{vb:raw showthread_oldthreadnotice}
Anywhere you want... For Quick Reply I suggest right above:
HTML Code:
<div class="wysiwyg_block">
Anywhere you put the code in SHOWTHREAD will show the old thread notice.
If you want to remove the built in notice at the top of the thread, back in the plugin, comment out the applicable line, make it:
PHP Code:
//$template_hook[showthread_above_posts] .= $templater->render();
Originally Posted by Fastbird
Awesome, this is a great mod!