Hi guys I am new vBulletin customer, and am currently using UBB Infopop 5.47e on linux. Since I do not have mod_gzip on my apache, bandwidth costs are killing me. Plus my # of users are going up and I am guessing after 120+ or so users concurrent, UBB will choke so I am looking at other products and this includes vBulletin.
I presume you guys are using PHP's gzip compiled option and compression with this vBulletin?
I hope I am not being too intrusive, but could somone moderator/admin here please tell me what kind of page views you have / day, and if compression is turned on how many gigs/day bandwidth you guys use to maintain this very busy forum? Also a very brief specs of the server perhaps?
This would really help me understand how much bandwidth is needed with vBulletin. I plan on installing Redhat Linux on a dedicated server with Amd 650, 256 megs ram, 20gigs hd.
By the way, which version of Redhat Linux is better as a web server? 6.2 or 7.1?
Any info regarding these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Regards, Rick.