Originally Posted by Mark4865
Is there any EASY way to not display the created by and created at info.
Actually you can change the template which is responsible for this. Have a look at '
vbyellowpage_showentry' and delete the specific data there.
Originally Posted by Mark4865
Also in the catagory main section it shows I have a entry under a certain section, if I go to that section it shows the entry but also shows a web address in brackets in the title how can I remove this web address.
H?? You got a screenshot for me=
Originally Posted by Mark4865
Lastly, if I click on the catagory alphabet listing above this specific entry and go to the same section if shows no entries listed under that section when I actually have one, any ideas??
Well, it then shows all the entries which start with the character you habe choosen. The rest of the entries dont get shown then.