Originally Posted by maddenminds
Hey Bananalive,
I recently got this mod installed on my madden football forum and its awesome. I actualy use it over my other ladder. Which i paid $600 for.I currently have around 5 tournaments going but i realy need help with a couple noobish things.
1. In any of the tournaments do you have to link it to a ladder in order for users to record their own results
2. I had a guy in a tournament randomly enter people in a tourny just so that it was full and could start. These people did not want in the tourny which now causes me to restart the whole thing. Is there a way to turn this off so that random users cant add other randoms.
3. how to submit winners into the next round on the brackets? it will show everyone in round one but how do you show who wins and advances.
1. You can only link result of tournament to ladder. Users cannot currently report their own results for tournaments, only tournament moderators can.
2. I've adjusted permissions so that only tournament moderators can add players to tournaments. Uploaded attached tournaments.php to forum directory (allow overwrite).
3. Tournament moderators progress users onto next round using the arrows. See attached screenshot