Originally Posted by benstillman
Pretty sure that has nothing to do with changed paths. That's a newer version of PHP (like 5.3?) warning that old PHP4 code is being deprecated. Just edit your php.ini file. Put a semicolon and a space (; ) before the line "error_reporting =".
Originally Posted by snakes1100
@ben, that wont stop it from spitting out the messages, as they are in the php files themselves.
You can turn off this function in php.ini then hup apache.
display_errors = off
You sure? The errors are not in the .php files. It's just PHP5 telling you that there is PHP4 specific code in the files, and that it's been deprecated. Turning off the error reporting (by commenting out the line in the php.ini file) should be sufficient. It's all I did. And of course restart apache after you save the php.ini file.