Originally Posted by Ian Cunningham
Site Name: Living Reefs
URL: http://www.livingreefs.com/forums.php
Description: Saltwater Aquarium Discussion Forums
Reason for Nomination: All of the staff and members at Living Reefs have worked hard to create a friendly place to discuss saltwater/reef fish keeping. We've got active forums, a great gallery, species database and a photo of the month competition which proves really popular :up:.
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Site Name: Ohio Riders
URL: www.ohioriders.net
Description: For motorcyclists of all types in and around Ohio.
Reason for Nomination: Lots of customizations, lots of great info, etc. Use username 'demouser' and password 'pass1234' to see things like how custom local weather works (pulls zip code from profile), etc. The demouser cannot post/create anything, only view. Fairly active:
Most users ever online was 568, 01-14-2011 at 08:07 AM.
Currently Active Users: 264 (112 members and 152 guests)
Threads: 69,278, Posts: 594,886, Members: 4,975