You can't get a WYSIWYG view of of the templates. What I do if I want to make a lot of changes is to load the page in my browser, then save the page with images to my computer with vB set to show the template comments. I use the saved html page to mockup and test the look I want. Then, I edit the templates, copied out of, in my editor and paste them in admin cp when done. I use NoteTab Pro, but there are other good editors that make it easier to do the markup by hand. I've never used a WYSIWG editor, but I supposed you could use one with the saved HTML file, but you'd still have to translate those for the templates.
Firefly's Template Backup System can also be used to get copies of the templates and to import modified templates without having to copy and paste them individually in the admin cp - a real pain in the patooty if you are modifying a lot of templates.