I'm a n00b, and I installed spam-o-matic on my own vB3.8.6 site, as well on a 4.1.0PL2 site that we upgraded to 4.1.1. Not a single problem with it, and it has caught 99% of spam registrations. I highly recommend it. I also recommend subscribing at stopforumspam.com and activating the API key (it's free). A lot of people contribute to the database there, and it isn't asking much to reciprocate. Again, excellent hack.
ps- spam-o-matic stops the reg before it clutters your user database. The only time there is an effect is if they slip past the filter, in which case you ban them as spammers, which auto-submits them to stopforumspam (as long as the api key is installed). You can then delete the user.