I think I found the problem.
My wife and I are both Admins, everyone else are in four groups:
Registered Users
Inactive members
As soon as the other groups were enabled the problem arose.
It seems that if a member of one group goes onto the shop and then a member from a different group goes on after, the problem occurs.
We have just replicated this by adding a new member, "test user" with the usergroup FOMS as the primary group.
I as an Admin go onto the site, order an item and then quit to the forum prior to the payment
I log out and then back in as "test user", go to the shop, and my basket already has one item, I order an item, when I go to checkout, my details (address etc.) from the previous session are there.
I change the details to match fictional details of "test user" and then quit out to the forum.
My wife logs in on her machine as Admin, goes to the shop and there are already two items in the cart. She buys an item and on going to checkout, "test user" details are in the boxes and there are now three items in the cart.
If just my wife and I (Admins) buy items, the system works as it should, only when a different usergroup is introduced does the problem arise. Also, in a panic, when the problem was reported, the fastest way to stop the shop was simply to disable it, when I re-enabled it, the cart was cleared.
That is exactly what we are seeing here, hope this helps.
Regards, Jeff.