Hi Micheal,
I think what happened is that one of our members entered the e-shop, added an item and then went to checkout, filled in their address details etc and then went to preview the order , probably to get an idea of postage cost but then crucially, never made payment.
The next user comes along and does the same but when they go to checkout, the first users name and details are already filled in and the basket contains the first and second users items and so on. Because of this they just jump out of the e-shop and back to the forum. Next user gets the previous users details and on it goes.
I saw it for myself when the problem was reported to me, I logged in on my wifes machine and went to buy an item, when I clicked on checkout, the guys address etc. was already in the boxes and there were seven items in the cart.
As I say, both my wife and I tested and tested over the last week and could not make this happen, it only started when we went live.
My wife and I are the only admins, we have no moderators.
I allowed access to all groups.
Is this enough info, if you need more just ask.
Regards, Jeff.