There is an option called "Maximum characters in Status Updates". It is currently set to 140 and it works in a bad way because I'm allowed to enter more than 140 characters in the status box and when I click "Save" instead of rejecting the status and display an error message like this: "You can only enter $max_chars per status" it is saving the error message as the new status of the member.
I have tried to fix this by chaning this in file 'vbstatus/vbstatus_class.php':
return '[Too Long]';
die("my own error message");
print "my own error message";
eval(standard_error("my own error message"));
And none of these three ways was successful. The user isn't getting the error message.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I got an idea! When you're creating a new thread and you didn't enter anything in the title box, you get a popup error message. I believe that a popup will work here too! But I have no idea of how to display a popup error message. Please help!
Thank you,