Thanks, Scott. I was wondering what a "pener" was! LOL Unfortunately, I'm left with the problem of the color (red) and that none of the pop-up smilies are clickable.
Regarding the color issue, where does the pop-up pull the table colors from?
I'm lost as to why the smiles in the pop-up are no longer clickable.
Here's another screen shot. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Originally posted by s.molinari
@ stretchr
I believe you may have made a mistake in this stepAlso don't forget to take out the space between java and script.
The vbcode_popup_smiliesbits should then look similar to this.
<td bgcolor="$backcolor<a href="java script:opener.smilie('$smilie[text]')"><img src="$smilie[path]" border="0" alt="$smilie[title]"></a></td>
<td bgcolor="$backcolor"><normalfont>$smilie[text]</normalfont></td>
Hope that helps.