This is not an actual anchor. This will create a
link to an anchor, and only within the same page. Look at your herf attribute. If you don't put anything but #{option} then it's just going to look for the anchor name on the same page. It would need to include the URL of the page the anchor is on to do go somewhere else. Really, you don't need special BBCode for that. Just link to your anchor the way you would normally.
But like I said, you need an anchor to link to. You would need BBCode that creates the actual
anchor name you want to link to, not the other way around.
<a name="{option}">{param}</a>
So you'd make a post that has the anchor in it. Let's say you named the BBcode ANCHOR.
[ANCHOR="tips"]Useful Tips[/ANCHOR]
Then when you want to link to that anchor, you just post a normal link with the anchor appended to the end of the URL.
That's it. You really only need one BBCode.
I don't know where you got these, but you don't need the href one, the one that creates links. You can just link to the anchor normally. Just like I said above, the link you're creating would only link to an anchor if happens to be on the same page as the link.