Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
This is indeed a most awesome mod- my request for the images to retain their original names wasn't to get Google image credit since I don't allow hot-linking of my images anyway I just assume Google didn't index my images. I was asking because I can see inevitably people link to inappropriate images that I won't want on my server- indeed am not allowed to even have on my server according to my hosting account rules- and I just believed finding a real name rather than a number might make my life easier later on when I'm having to manually delete files via FTP.
There is just 1 thing preventing me from using this and it is by no means the "fault" of this mod- i just want to ask here in case anyone might have had the same issue
I have multiple domains pointing to my site. By default this mod uses my "bburl" to hard code the image URL. However a number of my users browse via alternate domains because my primary (and sometimes secondary) domains end up getting blocked by web access filters at people's jobs. SO i have gone through great pain to make sure there are no hard coded links or images on my site at all- everything is relative so if you browse via juot.net, everything is on juot.net. If you browse by juot.co, everything is on juot.co, and so on.
If I use this mod as is it will hard code every image to juot.net and anyone logging in from a place where juot.net is blocked will get broken images.
I tried to put "/forums" in the replacment URL option but the [img] bb code doesn't work with relative paths.
Curious if you or anyone have any ideas about this?
Also, if I were to edit your cron job file to keep the existing file names would you be OK if I attached it in this thread so others who might want that feature could use it?
You may find the real name and new association in the iei_img for this scope. Also I may think about a unallowed file names option, which is simple and does not change the behaviour.
As for *juot.*, please add into your exception list the partial URL, which identifies your media server(s). For example,
could be such a string. In this way, you avoid importing images from different domains, since they are pointing to the same physical installation.
Also, you may need to add a plugin at
global_bootstrap_init_start with:
PHP Code:
$vbulletin->options['bburl'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
in order to reflect the correct URL for each domain you are coming from. Please note that this change may affect other functions, depending on how your system is setup. Also, you may set the board title, keywords and description depending on the host. You will have to test this very carefully. It opens you a beautiful new door to solve many problems related to multiple domain redirects and/or thematic separation, but I don't support this feature
You may need to add/remove a rule to your hotlinking in order to ignore your local or remote media servers for your forums, too.