I don't really make much use of the CMS feature, and I could live with or without Blogs, tbh.
With vB 3.8.x, things were a lot easier to handle, especially when it came to design. There wasn't six dozen StyleVars for a heading--you had thead and tcat and other stuff that you could set in ONE PLACE and have it be uniform throughout the entire site. In this vB4, no such luck--if you want to make your own Style(s), you have to sit down and one-by-one see which StyleVar does what to which parts of the page, and half the StyleVars seem to simply not work at all (case in point, see my recent thread about trying to change the background colour of the Profile Sidebar).
And the Search... Gah. Don't get me started... Well, it's really no worse than vB3, I suppose, but in vB3, we were able to replace it with Sphinx. Trying to do so for vB4 met with utter failure.
Maybe it's my inexperience, stupidity, or plain Bad Luck, but vB4's been a lot more of a headache for us than vB3 ever was.