Originally Posted by KaiStone
I use Sid's Hide Hack and convert it to compatible with vB 4 myself. Because I just need Hide-Thanks only.
@ NovoCiv: it's funny if you're going to disable searching system. Bad idea. To fix the small problem, you have a bigger one.
I'm already give you an idea, I thought you're interested...
So, add a new plugin
Product: *Your Product*
Hook Location: search_result_postbit
Title: Hide when Search (Show Post)
PHP Code:
global $vbphrase, $db;
$post_text = $db->query_first("SELECT pagetext FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE postid = $post[postid] ORDER BY dateline ASC");
$post_hide['pagetext'] = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*)\\[\/hide\\]/siU', 'Your Message Goes Here', $post_text[pagetext]);
$post['pagetext'] = nl2br(vbchop($post_hide['pagetext'], 200));
Hello , this solution work great for search results , but i?m still with meta keywords problem on source code, on SHOWTHREAD page , anyone have solution for it?