Originally Posted by mferguson
Given the style you have on your site I would recommend that you look at how the drop down list of something like community or search is styled. Typically there is a class defined on each of the drop down items so you just need alter our navbar template to use these same classes.
Hi! I just did, and classess in
dto_garage_navbar are the same as the original style navbar and drop down menus, but the link in dto garage are remains same as in the screenshot above.
HTML Code:
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a id="navbar_garage" href="$vboptions[bburl]/dto_garage_help.php$session[sessionurl_q]" rel="nofollow">Gara?a</a> <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("navbar_garage"); </script>
<div class="vbmenu_popup" id="navbar_garage_menu" style="display:none">
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0">
<td class="thead" align="left">Garage</td>
<if condition="$useMyGarage">
<td style="cursor: default;" class="vbmenu_option vbmenu_option_alink"><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/dto_garage.php$session[sessionurl_q]?do=editgarage">My garage</a></td>
<td style="cursor: default;" class="vbmenu_option vbmenu_option_alink"><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/dto_garage.php$session[sessionurl_q]?do=index">Other garages</a></td>
So, where from is he pulling styles?
Could this be the problem?
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("navbar_garage"); </script>
Please, help.