One of the things one needs to do is to browse the news group, and collect the starting numbers for the articles. Not providing a starting point did not seem to work well for me.
Once I gave an article# starting point for each of the news groups I was extracting from, things began to flow much smoother. The article# can be extracted from the header information of a message. I used Outcrook Express, subscribed to each newsgroup, retrieved new messages for each of the news groups, and then sorted by received date, and then used today-1 message's to extract my article numbers, via the properties button, once you open an individual news item.
As for the Perl Reinstall, I had to do that also. I found an excellent procedure for an integrated Apache/Perl distribution for Win32, and that procedure turned out to be a working combination for my board, and W2K .
Add those to your BB codes section under the Amin panel. Then, when the posts are displayed, you can see them. They work great on my board!