Sorry if this is on the wrong board.. but here is my question:
Ok I'm looking to make a info center like
to the right of the actualy boards... Just like they have it.
I found a few posts on this, but none of the suggestion methods would work...
The conent always shows up at the bottom instead of the right...
Here's my current footer with the suggested changes:
<!-- /content area table -->
</td><td width="150">
<!-- This is where you put the stuff you want in the side -->
Right Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side TestRight Side Test
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And the header:
<!-- logo and buttons -->
<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="bottom" align="right" nowrap>
<!-- toplinks -->
<a href="usercp.php?s=$session[sessionhash]"><img src="images/top_profile.gif" alt="Here you can view your subscribed threads, work with private messages and edit your profile and preferences" border="0"></a>
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Really apreciate any help given... Been working on this for two days straight without any luck.... Really want to add a cool info center...but can't get past this retarded right table problem...