Originally Posted by aayushagrawal90
Installed, but have a doubt,,..
what if i have got a vbseo done in my forum, how do i determine which section is to be put as to where the thread is supposed to get created? any solutions?
In your Admin CP -> Forum Manager click on the forum you want and your forumid will be in the very top of the table.
Originally Posted by Boofo
Joe, for the forum id option, replace this:
<setting varname="bop5onban_fid" displayorder="30">
with this:
<setting varname="bop5onban_fid" displayorder="30">
$options = construct_forum_chooser_options(1);</optioncode>
That way, you get a drop down forum listing to choose the forum from.
Thanks Boofo! I'll try this code and update ASAP.