Originally Posted by mccollin
Here is my forumhome.css. There is no "sidebar_container" in it. This is 4.1PL2 reverted template.
@charset "UTF-8";
/* CSS Document */
#forums {
width: 100%;
#welcomemessage {
color:{vb:stylevar body_color};
.forumhead + .childforum .L2:first-child .forumrow, .forumhead + .L2 .forumrow {
background: {vb:stylevar forumrow_firstentry_background};
_background-image: none;
border-top: 1px solid {vb:stylevar body_background.backgroundColor};
/* forumbit nopost */
/* forumbit nopost -> forumhead */
.forumbit_nopost .forumhead .forumtitle, .forumbit_nopost .forumhead span, .forumbit_nopost .forumhead .collapse, .forumbit_post .forumhead h2 span {
float: {vb:stylevar left};
clear: {vb:stylevar right};
font: {vb:stylevar forumhead_font};
padding: {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2-1} 0;
color: {vb:stylevar forumhead_color};
.forumbit_nopost .forumhead h2, .forumbit_post .forumhead h2 {
margin-{vb:stylevar left}: 3px;
margin-{vb:stylevar right}: 3px;
.forumbit_nopost {
clear:{vb:stylevar left};
.forumbit_nopost .forumrowdata {
width: 100%;
.forumbit_nopost .subforumdescription {
padding: {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2} {vb:stylevar padding};
font-weight: normal;
color: {vb:stylevar blocksubhead_color};
background: {vb:stylevar blocksubhead_background};
still you didn't read my directions above here is it again (see the last line):
To Adjust sidebar top level:
form admincp
open forumhome.css in the style you want to change or use the master style to effect all styles
change the padding size for #sidebar_container as you wish
padding:50px 0;
Note:In the new vb versions sidebar css has been moved from forumhome.css to separate file called sidebar.css