I may not be updating my generic code for awhile, but I need to make some updates to work with the new game my guild is planning to play in March (RIFT). I'll post those updates here for anyone wishing to use it. You'll need to do a couple manual updates before you use it though.
Update two profilefields:
1) Adventure Class (or some other name). It must be a Single-Selection Menu. Choices: Cleric, Mage, Rogue, and Warrior. Keep track of the field# for this one. Mine was field45.
2) Class Role. Must also be Single-Selection Menu. Choices: Control, DPS, Healer, Tank.
In the "ShowRoster Group Settings" (AdminCP - Settings - Options):
1) Enable group settings.
2) Column select - choose the column using Class Role.
3) Enter the following title for the 4 groups: Cleric, Mage, Rogue, and Warrior.
4) Enter the following 4 names for each group (repeating them 4 times): Control, DPS, Healer, Tank.
Replace the showroster.php file you are using (must be 4.1.0) with the attached one.