great mod - i wondered whether theres a possibility of add ons for wikis (via the mediawiki mod and links directory?
also maybe for voting in polls?
Also I asked ages ago about the ability to manually assign achievements to users and you were going to implement it - I cant seem to find it or has it not been done yet?
I,m having problems with some post achievements - the awards are all set up correctly but the posting awards wont work correctly - for instance I have one award for having between 2500-5000 posts I set 2 conditions one saying Post more than 2499 and the other Posts less than 5000 I then clear achievements and logs and recount - problem is its only assigning this to half the users that have a post count between that number. It does these on the other awards too. I have tried changing all my posting awards conditions over to Points for Posts instead (1 point per post) but this doesnt work either.
Not sure what to do - I have deleted several of these achievements and re-created them - checked the conditions numerous times but its still not working correctly. I wondered if I'm assuming the Posts condition value wrong - I'm assuming Posts means actual posts made and nothing else? (I have 1 point awarded per post anyway so it cant be that!)