First I wanted to thank you for releasing this skin. It is well coded and easy to modify. I have it on my site and I am working on getting my mods updated to work with the code.
To the topic of this post:
Originally Posted by MrRem
I might of not explained clearly enough.
[PREFIX] Thread Title.
Thread Title doesnt show if there there is a prefix set.
I have the same problem on my site. It is caused when the prefix is setup using a <span> tag.
<span style="color:green">Info</span>
This seems to be breaking the java that is showing the navbit. If you change it to use <strong> it displays correctly.
<strong style="color:green">Info</strong>
Edit: Is there an easy way to add more tabs to the "Whats Going On" area? I have some information I would like to put there but I cannot seem to figure out how to get additional tabs to work.