np , dont misunderstand me , im not bashing him at all lol .. just saying he is concentrating his work else where . but yes this mod is insane i love it .. adds spunk to the forums . i just wish i can figure out how to get any video for that matter show in a bigger block other than the defualt 685 by 345 not sure where to change this ..
Originally Posted by Drago13
I figured out how to do it. If you create another category it actually creates another page. ( duh) If I need to I can just add other tab to that page etc..
P.S. keep in mind, the coder doesnt get paid for this stuff. This is a great free mod, If he doesnt check in every day, thats to his discretion, he hasnt stated yet that he is not going to support this mod.. It shows up top that he has visited in Jan. , its only the 10th. Give him a chance.. 