When I installed this, I didn't realize (my bad) that it would also embed my advert code from each forum, generated from this mod:
Add Ads to each forum.
The graphic ads appear at the top of the forums, slowing down Dartho's excellent skin style.
Since the ad mod uses HTML, I think the fix for me is simple ...
Can you provide me with the IF statement in vBulletin jargon that I can put in front of my HTML code for the forum ads so it DOES NOT execute if the style equals the value of my mobile skin?
In other words ..
If style not equal to "x" then skip to end and do not execute adsense code display ...
adsense code
Thanks ...
ps: Has anyone who uses it, been able to solve the conflict with this mod that I mentioned in a previous pic?
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads by pdtan