And math isn't really the best option to use for that question. Questions like that are expected, and there's no reason why these automated spam bots, who can read CAPTCHA, can't also calculate a math question. It's similar to people who write:"Put the word "like" in this box." Again, if it can read CAPTCHA...
I like NoSpam! because I can more easily make my own questions more quickly and I can use HTML to put in my own images. (Every person who visits my forum should know who Darth Vader is, and if you don't, THEN YOU CAN'T COME IN!) <ahem> I don't think they did a 4.x version yet, but some of the same questions can still be used. Simple questions, to things everybody should know, like "What color is the sky?", or "What color is the sky when you're in outer space?"