- You created the new template (which works for a Static HTML widget).
- Now go create a widget and choose Static HTML from the drop-down box as the type.
- Save that widget.
- Now scroll down the list until you find your new widget and click on the blue "Configure" link to the far right of the widget name.
- Enter your custom code into the input box - your table, your text, your images, whatever it is you want to put in there. This is where I put my CSS boxes (for the boxes on my home page).
- Before you save your work, be sure to change the Template Name to the name of the blank template you created in step 1 (using the code from my previous post).
- And now go test it by adding the widget to one of your layouts and taking a look to see how it looks.

I have no idea if this is the best way to do things or not - I'm a self-taught vBulletin user over the past 16 months or so and there are times when I've found out I've done things the hard way.