Originally Posted by puddlove
I love this mod but am wondering if there is any possibility that the SQL error can be fixed:
"0.92 - With 'Acknowledge moderator permissions...' enabled an SQL error may occur when a moderator tries to access open/closed reports."
Disabling that option wouldn't be that helpful to me as all my mods are based in individual forums and it would be confusing if they started receiving reports from elsewhere, but at the moment with the option enabled they can't view reports at ALL  Would like to see it fixed if at all possible!
For anyone having this issue, I fixed it by editing /modcp/pprm.php
Find line 179, and edit to read
$where .= "AND reports.type != " . "'" . $reporttype[$z] . "'" . " ";
ie, we are adding a single quote round each side of the report type. Without this single quote, it won't work.
Hope this helps someone