Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
Nice Article, 5 Stars  .
And my 2 cents? Always close the board on a backup, always no matter what - we have too many fearless "coders" out here who think they know what's best - NO! Common sense says don't have anyone interacting with the database while your making a backup for various reasons.
Agreed to you , Thanks a lot for this appreciating 5 Stars
And yes, Stopping total Interaction with the database is always USEFUL :
1. It gets you a complete working backup.
2. It never lets you OVERLOAD the server which means your website is back online within few seconds of SWITCHING HTTPD service back on as the server load never goes high up while backups are on.
I can not find any mod which can do this & i dont think it can be really done except what i did above for my method.
Thanks a lot for all appreciation, hope the guys using this post a word of Thanks here.