Originally Posted by djbaxter
Were you having it screen for user name?
When I first installed this mod I have it check username, email and IP. I soon found out that even normal usernames were on the stopforumspam database so I disabled username checks. The username check is pointless anyway because with emails it is unique to someone and so can IP in a lot of cases. Whereas username is not unique to anyone.
However, having said that, I have not had a single spam bot join my site for a long long time since installing this mod. But.... and there's always a but.... I had a suspicious account register the other day and it had a .ru email. I later manually checked the stopforumspam site and the email and IP is on the database but it appeared on there AFTER it registered on my site. Then today I get another strange username register, but with a .com email. It's not currently on the stopforumspam database, but when I search the email on google I found it on another forum where it registered yesterday with a different but again odd username so I suspect it is also a spam bot.
So after all this time I now start getting spam bots register.
I like the sound of the "bad behaviour" and "VSA advanced permissions" mods. I might check those out.