Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
It's marked as re-usable code and per her note your free to upgrade and release it  . She was always nice, never placed copyrights, provided support etc - now that is one community member I shall truly miss seeing around here! Billy, unless you were inquiring about converting them I'll give a few colors a shot and release them, I won't be able to start until after the 15th some projects on hand tbo but see what everyone else says, ladies and gents?
Thank you, and no, I am not a coder/mod'er, I am an owner.... giving my users the "illusion" of 25 (+/-) flavors (plus mobile) but all coded the same would be great I am sure you guy could do Sofia's original work justice. It almost sounds like it could be a group project with each coder taking a few colors and pulling it all together into a single package... not sure if you all work together like that but you never know. ??? Thank you, Ant.